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Did you know that in some cases, a 'like', 'follow', 'share', 'retweet' is worth more than a financial contribution, especially in the current climate. 

If you're on social media, please make sure you have connected with us and where possible that you share our posts, this helps spread our message to your followers, who we hope will follow us too and do the same across their network. 

Social media is a great tool for lots of organisations, whether a small family business, a large multi-national firm or a global household name but for small local charities like us it is crucial. For a charity to have a platform that reaches a global audience is key, the more engagement we have, the more donations and help we will receive, the more donations we receive = the more we can do. 

Image by Brett Jordan


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Image by Brett Jordan


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Image by Alexander Shatov


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Image by Brett Jordan


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Image by Eyestetix Studio


Visit our YouTube Channel to watch our videos.

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