WF3 Kindness and The West Ardsley Action Group (WAAG) have worked together on a collaboration to fundraise for new defibrillators within our community.
Together, we have set ourselves a target to purchase additional life-saving machines which will be accessible by everyone in our community.
Thanks to previous community efforts, there are already machines which are available within the community but the facts are clear - using a defibrillator within 3-5 minutes of collapse can increase a chance of survival as much as 70%.
Time is critical when someone is in a Cardiac Arrest and the time it takes to get to another defibrillator in the area can be the difference of a loved one leaving the hospital the next day or not surviving - it really can be as contrasting as that!
What is a Defibrillator?
A defibrillator is also known as a 'Defib', an 'AED' (Automated External Defibrillator), or a 'PAD' (Public Access Defibrillator).
The defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric 'shock' to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it's essential in trying to save the life of the person who's in cardiac arrest.
We have included a video from The British Heart Foundation which explains how they work and demonstrates how easy they are to use:
Do I need to be trained to use one?
Absolutely not! Anyone can use a Defibrillator, the machines that we purchase will literally talk to you and tell you what to do. There are also instructions on the machine which are easy to follow.
Often people are worried that using a Defibrillator and 'shocking' someone will cause more harm - this isn't true with the machines we purchase - they will only 'shock' a patient if there is no heart beat. You cannot do wrong with one of these machines!
How much do they cost?
The machine can cost around £1,800.
As public accessible defibrillators are generally stored outside we would also need to purchase a secure cabinet with an electrical feed which protects the machine from the elements (such as hot, cold and wet weather conditions).
How can I support the WF3 Kindness Defib Appeal?
You can donate to our fundraising page on GoFund Me (click here) or you can contact us directly to see how you can help (see below).
You can also share about this appeal to your friends across social media, make sure you have 'liked' and are following us on the socials for updates, you can find us on:
Facebook - WF3 Kindness
Instagram - @WF3Kindness
X formerly Twitter - @WF3Kindness
These life-saving pieces of equipment are there for everyone in the community!
You never know who may need one of these in the event of an emergency - it could be you... a visitor to your house... a friend... a member of your family or a neighbour - let's all pull together and make our community a safer place to be for all!