Emergency Food Parcel

We support WF3
We help local people in desperate need. Our aim is to end food insecurity in our community.
Food Parcels Provided by us since 2020!
signposted & advised this year!
Emergency Parcels provided this year
We help local people in desperate need. Our aim is to end food insecurity in our community.
WF3 Kindness are not a food bank, although we have on occasions provided an Emergency Food & Essentials Parcel for people that live in Tingley, Ardsley and Thorpe and who have been identified as in desperate need.
We aim to help people who are suffering from food insecurity by working alongside other charities, community groups and other agencies.
If you are struggling for food, the following organisations may be able to help you:
Morley Community Hub: www.leeds.gov.uk/community-hubs/morley
Local Welfare Support: 0113-376-0330
Help Through Hardship: 0808-208-2138