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Welcome to our Best of WF3 Awards Feed!

This is our News & Updates feed specifically for our Best of WF3 2024 Awards!

Here is where you will find the very latest news and updates on our Best of WF3 Awards!

We will try our best to keep this up to date and will share all the latest info as and when we can.

Nominate someone for a Best of WF3 Award!

Whilst a 'thank you' is always nice to hear, imagine how it feels to someone when they find out that they have been nominated for an award.

If you know someone deserving of a Best of WF3 Award, spend 5 minutes filling out a form and we'll do the rest and make sure that those unsung heroes get some recognition for their efforts.

You can nominate as many people as you like and in as many categories as you like, if you're not sure which category they should go into, just speak to us and we will advise (we also have some special categories that we can use!).

You can submit your nomination now on our website, by clicking here

Sponsor our Awards

We're looking for sponsors to help make the Awards possible!

You don't have to be a business to help, anyone can get involved!

Find out more about how you can support our Awards as a Sponsor by clicking here


We need you to share our Awards far and wide - tell your friends and family, if you know someone deserving get your friends to nominate them too.

If you're on social media then share, share our posts (share this post) and help get these Awards out there.

If you have any questions or want to talk to us about the Awards, contact us, you can see the various ways you can contact us by clicking here

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